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How to improve your workplace environment in 2021

Posted By Michaella Finch  
03:00 AM

2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. A lot of people faced numerous hardships and changes to their lifestyles and environments that have often been overwhelming. 

But we promise you, these simple changes will HELP you and your workplace in the year ahead. 

Change starts with you! So take time out to do some of the following things throughout your day: 

1. Take all of your breaks. Go for a walk around the block, around the office or even just around your desk a few times a day. Taking even just a few minutes to walk down the hall or to the break room for a coffee helps clear your mind, relax the screen strain on your eyes and realign your body posture. 

2. STREEEEETTTCHHHH! If you start to feel uncomfortable or stiff take a few seconds to do your neck and back stretches from your desk. Check out our Neck and Back stretches blog for more help! 

Now to help change your work environment: 

1. Encourage others to take breaks. Grab a coffee with a colleague and go for a quick walk together, if it helps you, it'll help them too! 

2. Remember to ask your colleague if they are okay, a little bit of kindness can go a long way. 

3. Plants. Lots and lots of plants. 
Did you know that research has found that office plants help reduce employees levels of stress, anxiety and hostility? Bring some nature inside and you'll not only start to notice the difference, but you will also feel it yourself. 

4. Ergonomic Equipment. 
Create a safer and more comfortable environment for yourself and your colleagues by updating old and tired equipment. 
Check out our range of products or contact us today for more information on how we can help you make 2021 better!